Feasibility analysis of hydraulic development cement concrete seam cutting machine 发展液压水泥混凝土切缝机的可行性分析
According to the requirement of modern concrete pavement construction, and the analysis of char-acteristics, performance, application, status of various concrete seam cutting machine, discusses the feasibility of hydraulic seam cutting machine. 根据现代混凝土路面施工对切缝机的要求,以及不同类混凝土切缝机的性能、特点、应用与现状的对比分析,论证了发展液压切缝机的可行性。
Determination of Concrete Saw Blade Thickness Three-dimensional Parallel Numerical Simulation of Cutting by Cutterhead in Shield Machine 锯缝机锯刀盘切削刃厚度的设计盾构刀盘切削的三维并行数值模拟
The controller may through the JMF news which receives, judges the type of the JMF information, thus analyzes and calculates the concrete step and the operational parameter of the paper cutting machine. 控制器可以通过接收到的JMF消息,判断出JMF消息的类型并进而解析和计算出切纸机工作的具体步骤和工作参数序列。